Thursday, September 3, 2009

This is such shocking and tragic news, it doesn't seem real.

When I moved to Davis in 2002, Jeff was one of the first few people I met, and he was really kind to me. I had recently become interested in keeping bees, and he taught me about capturing swarms, finding the queen, general hive maintenance and harvesting honey. He gave me his old honey extractor when he bought a new one. Like Eli, I have a few fond memories of honey harvests with Jeff and others. When I think about Jeff, I keep thinking about the deep wrinkles by his eyes, formed from laughing a lot. Its funny how as faces age they can tell a story of how a person is. I also think about his jars and jars in the kitchen of his N street house of jams capped with beeswax and his big barrel of basil growing outside. I feel like his life was such a good example of living a simple, dedicated life, really cherishing good food, people and wild animals. He was also a good example to me of humility - here is someone with such an incredible knowledge of the natural world, and yet humble.

Jeff, you are missed.


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